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[EN] Now, beloved family, I stop writing; is partly written by two artificial intelligences. Each nourished respectively by the texts of Lord Byron and Ada Lovelace, they outline a discussion that never took place of their living, between the first programmer of history and her father, the romantic english poet.
[FR] Now, beloved family, I stop writing; est un essai pour situer la naissance de l'informatique dans l'histoire de la littérature. Une conversation entre deux intelligences artificielles, chacune nourrie par les textes de Ada Lovelace, premier.e programmeur.euse de l'histoire et son père, le poète romantique anglais, Lord Byron. Une discussion qui n'a jamais eu lieu de leurs vivants.
Wikipedia collection
Breakfast Youri
You are an astronaut
Le fond vert des galaxies
Waiting for you on the shooting star
I've waited years
Bouclier thermique de collection
Last Opportunity
13.1 billion light years
De part sa situation géographique, le ciel
Cinéma Comète
It came from outer space
Now, beloved family, I stop writing;
This would not be posssible without you
Absolutely yes
Match point
Umpires too have the right to play
Frappe fort Meryll !
All Stars
Penguins TV
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